Baby Diaper Bags
Most new moms have a new staple added to their wardrobe - in addition to their new baby: the baby diaper bag! Baby diaper bags are a hugely popular gift item for new moms and with all those diaper changes that new moms have to do, the diaper bag is nothing short of an absolute neccesity. Baby diaper bags are rarely limited to carrying diapers, and serve a variety of functions. Todays diaper bags typically have lots of different compartments for everything moms need when they're out with the new baby: wipes, diapers, a change of clothes, bottles, toys, bibs, food...and anything else you need for baby. Lots of moms will even forgo their own handbag totally and use the baby diaper bag to carry the things they need, like keys and cell phone. For a personal touch to baby diaper bags, many new moms will get personalized baby diaper bags with their initials, or the intitals of the new baby.